Assignment 4 preliminary ideas

OCA Drawing Skills Level 1, Figure and the head, Assignment 4 For this assignment I need to draw two figure studies and a self portrait. One figure has to be seated and the other laying down. I have been thinking that I may explore these figure studies as male models. Up until now I haveContinue reading “Assignment 4 preliminary ideas”

Portrait from Memory or Imagination

OCA Drawing Skills Level 1, Figure and the Head, Project 6, Exercise 3 This exercise plays right into my wheelhouse and what I have been practicing lately. I have been undertaking a long series of portraits based on Instagram pages, or photos I have taken. I have tried to draw these fast and loose, butContinue reading “Portrait from Memory or Imagination”

Your Head

OCA Drawing Skills Level 1, Figure and the head. Project 6, Exercise 2 This exercise required a lot of reflection when making some self-portraits. I had to think about pose, tonal variation and placement of features to give a believable head. I considered the anatomy and features a lot and took a lot of timeContinue reading “Your Head”

Groups of Figures

OCA Drawing Skills Level 1, Figure and the head, Project 5, Exercise 2 This exercise required me to ‘people watch’ to understand human movement and interaction. I went to a Boot fair at the weekend and used this opportunity to make some quick studies. I had to draw very quickly to catch the essence ofContinue reading “Groups of Figures”

Three figure drawings

OCA Drawing skills level 1, The Figure and the Head, Project 4, Exercise 2 This exercise has asked me to make three figure studies in standing, seated and lounging poses. I am to focus on basic structure, tone and shadow, foreshortening and parts of the body that we may not see. I’ve made an extensiveContinue reading “Three figure drawings”

Portrait Studies

Similar to my previous post, where I have been trying to keep my hand in and maintain my art practice and build skills that would be beneficial to my OCA course, I have been undertaking a series of portrait studies in the past couple of weeks. I found a reference page on Instagram called EarthsworldContinue reading “Portrait Studies”

Just how big are paintings anyway?!

Last week I went to the National Gallery again. I wanted to explore the impressionists a little more, as well as going to see some paintings I liked again and see some others I missed from my previous visit. I always find it a strange experience standing in front of a Van Gogh painting suchContinue reading “Just how big are paintings anyway?!”

Trying to keep my ‘hand’ in (and a foot too)

After a previous learning log post, where I discussed my father becoming ill during this course and having to start long term care for him, a lot has happened. My father has improved a little, gotten much worse and slipped into a coma and ended up in ICU where we had to go and sayContinue reading “Trying to keep my ‘hand’ in (and a foot too)”