The Structure of the human body

OCA Drawing Skills Level 1, Figure and the Head, Project 4, Exercise 1 This exercise required me to make a series of anatomy studies to explore the structures of the human body. I had to include all parts of the body, in different positions and make up a series of pages of these body parts.Continue reading “The Structure of the human body”

Essential Elements

OCA Drawing Skills Level 1, Figure and the Head, Project 3, Exercise 2 This exercise required me to draw six different poses, with the light hitting the model from one side. I had to identify the lightest and darkest areas and draw the whole figure without too deep a focus on details. I have triedContinue reading “Essential Elements”

Assignment Three: Expanse Feedback

Here is the feedback from my third assignment and some of my reflections. Despite some significant personal challenges, you have been able to explore the theme of Expanse effectively. The final assignment piece is a bold and confident study. What stands out, particularly in Part 3 is your research into the practice of other artists.Continue reading “Assignment Three: Expanse Feedback”

The Figure and the head Quick Studies

OCA Drawing Skills Level 1, The Figure and the Head, Project 2, Exercise 1 This exercise required me to make a series of quick figure studies. I had to create 5 drawings where I drew for just 2 minutes each and then a series where I drew for upto ten minutes. I used an A3Continue reading “The Figure and the head Quick Studies”

Emphasising form with cloth

OCA Drawing skills level 1, The Figure and the Head, Project 1, Exercise 2 In this exercise I have been asked to sketch a figure wearing a shawl, baggy jumper of soft dressing gown. I had to lightly indicate the face, hands and feet and observe how the fabric moulds and hangs on the figure.Continue reading “Emphasising form with cloth”

Drawing Fabric using line and tone

OCA Drawing Skills Level 1, Project 1, Exercise 1 For this exercise I had to throw a piece of fabric over a chair and draw it using line in one image and using tone in another. I then had to draw different parts of the fabric in smaller studies. Funnily enough for my second assignmentContinue reading “Drawing Fabric using line and tone”